25 January 2010

Cookin' by the Creek - Community Cookbook

During the course of 2010, the Social Committee will be collaborating with neighbors to publish a Creek's Edge community cookbook. We hope that each and every neighbor will contribute at least one favorite recipe! Our goal is to publish the book in the fall and have it available for sale for the holiday season. In the meantime, we will be collecting recipes from each of you!! There is no limit to the number of submissions from each home. The more, the merrier!

We'd like to thank Wendy Tamburini for submitting the very first recipe for the cookbook. As a token of appreciation for her encouragement and interest in the project, Wendy will recieve a free copy of the cookbook when it is published. Once all recipes have been submitted, five additional names will be randomly drawn from the pool of submissions to receive a free cookbook.

Please submit recipes to Shelby at ssabelli@comporium.net. Deadline for submssions - August 1, 2010.

Community Clubs

The Social Committee has been brainstorming a lot of fabulous ideas for Community Clubs. We are looking for neighbors that might be interested in heading up the development of one of these. Please be sure to take the quiz at the top right of this website, so everyone will know where the most interest lies. Below are some ideas that the committee has considered. Of course, we are open to any club opportunities that will be of interest to neighbors. If you are interested in coordinating a club, please contact us at CreeksEdgeHOA@yahoo.com!

- book/reading
- gardening
- diet/weight loss/exercising
- scrapbooking
- sewing/quilting
- poker (or other cards)
- dinner club
- traveling
- walking groups
- couponing
- bunco
- bridge
- fishing
- coffee
- charity/volunteer
- lunch
- wine

Cupid's Canned Goods (food drive)

In honor of Valentine's Day, Creek's Edge will be spreading love to those in need. The Social Committee is putting together a mid-February food drive. During the second week of February, a bag will be delivered to your door with specific details. Place non-perishable food items in the bag, and neighbors will come around on Saturday, February 13th to pick up the donations. They will be delivered to local food banks in need of assistance.

Notices to Homeowners

Application Fee:
As of January 1, 2010, there is a new application fee associated with all architectural and construction applications. This fee is to cover administrative costs associated with the application process and any surplus would be added to the HOA budget. This fee is to be paid only once per application. If you are required to resubmit an application, the first payment will cover all subsequent submissions. We thank you in advance for your support in ensuring our application process can continue to work efficiently. If you have any questions concerning this issue, please email us at CreeksEdgeHOA@yahoo.com. You can also email us if you are in need of an application.

Local Law Enforcement:
If you need law enforcment assistance for any reason, please keep in mind that the Rock Hill Police Department does not have jurisdiction outside of the city limits (which is where our community is located). Please contact the York County Sherriff's Office at (803) 628-3059. And of course, in the case of a true emergency, always dial 911.

Newsletter Advertisements:
Inexpensive advertising opportunities are available for local businesses and homeowners. If you or someone you know is interested, please email CreeksEdgeHOA@yahoo.com and we will send you the appropriate form. All newsletter advertisers are also featured on the website. Basic pricing is as follows:
 - Three-month business card ad = $20 for residents; $30 for non-residents
 - One-month business card ad = $10 (good for classified type ads)
 - Three-month ad + one-month sponsorship = $50

Newsletter by e-mail:
If you have an active e-mail account, we are encouraging you to receive the monthly Creek's Edge Chronicles newsletter via e-mail, rather than by paper. This is a much greener option, and also saves the Association money. Those funds can then be spent on exciting activities for the community!

19 January 2010

Beautification Day

After several attempts were squashed by poor weather, the Grounds and Beautification Committee was finally able to gather together some able-bodied neighbors and get to work! A group of dedicated homeowners braved the very cold weather on Saturday, January 9th to get some clean-up done in our common areas. The area surrounding the playground is now clear of construction debris and trash, making it much safer and more attractive. The culvert on Covered Bridge and surrounding areas were also cleared of construction debris. Both areas look much nicer and it was all for free! Many thanks to all of the neighbors who worked outside in frigid temperatures to make our first beautification work day a complete success!!!

wow...that's some serious trash!

loaded up and ready to go!

Look at that clean (and safe) play area!!!

13 January 2010

Bookmobile Dates

The York County Library Bookmobile makes regular appearances at Creek's Edge. Look for it in the cul-de-sac near the front entrance (by the intersection of Tributary and Sethwood). Dates for the next several months are listed below. The Bookmobile always comes on Fridays from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Looking for a specific book? The Bookmobile will bring it right to you! Call (803) 981-5842 to make your request, or set up an online account.

2010 Bookmobile Visits:
January 29 ~ February 12 ~ February 26 ~ March 12 ~ March 26 ~ April 9 ~ April 23 ~ May 7 ~ May 21

Related Links:

05 January 2010

Christmas Spirit Galore!!!

We'd like to express our sincerest *thanks* to the many homeowners that adorned their homes and yards in festive lights and decor for the holiday season. As neighbors, we all were able to enjoy these beautiful sights on a daily basis. From outside of our community, the feedback was heard loud and clear -- WOW, Creek's Edge sure knows how to do Christmas right! We should all be proud to live in such a wonderful community!