Application Fee:
As of January 1, 2010, there is a new application fee associated with all architectural and construction applications. This fee is to cover administrative costs associated with the application process and any surplus would be added to the HOA budget. This fee is to be paid only once per application. If you are required to resubmit an application, the first payment will cover all subsequent submissions. We thank you in advance for your support in ensuring our application process can continue to work efficiently. If you have any questions concerning this issue, please email us at You can also email us if you are in need of an application.
Local Law Enforcement:
If you need law enforcment assistance for any reason, please keep in mind that the Rock Hill Police Department does not have jurisdiction outside of the city limits (which is where our community is located). Please contact the York County Sherriff's Office at (803) 628-3059. And of course, in the case of a true emergency, always dial 911.
Newsletter Advertisements:
Inexpensive advertising opportunities are available for local businesses and homeowners. If you or someone you know is interested, please email and we will send you the appropriate form. All newsletter advertisers are also featured on the website. Basic pricing is as follows:
- Three-month business card ad = $20 for residents; $30 for non-residents
- One-month business card ad = $10 (good for classified type ads)
- Three-month ad + one-month sponsorship = $50
Newsletter by e-mail:
If you have an active e-mail account, we are encouraging you to receive the monthly Creek's Edge Chronicles newsletter via e-mail, rather than by paper. This is a much
greener option, and also saves the Association money. Those funds can then be spent on exciting activities for the community!