27 July 2010

***Back to School Bash***

Mark Your Calendars!!!

Creek's Edge HOA is having a

Saturday ~ August 21, 2010
4:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Location: Winding Branch Rd, near the playground

Join your neighbors for an afternoon of FREE entertainment, fun & relaxation.

There will be music, food, vendors, and activities for children (including hayrides around the community).

Hot Dogs and Chips will be provided at no charge, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please bring chairs and beverages for your family.

New Sponsor: Mechanical Doctor

We'd like to welcome our newest newsletter sponsor: Mechanical Doctor. Please consider them for all of your heating and air needs. His information is listed below. Thanks to Wayne Chapman for partnering with the Creek's Edge HOA!

Mechanical Doctor
Heating & Air
"Your Prescription for Comfort"
President - Wayne Chapman
NC License: 24830
SC License: 105375
Financing Available
SC Phone: 803-327-2665
NC Phone: 704-566-7900
Fax: 803-753-9350