25 October 2010

Design Guidelines

Over the past several months, the Architectural Control Committee and the Board of Directors have been working to create a set of Design Guidelines for the community. This document basically elaborates and explains restrictions that are already in the Covenants, but have been confusing or vague in the past. We expect that these Guidelines will help to provide clarity for homeowners.

As part of the document, you will find an official fine schedule for violations. We are currently issuing violations to the Covenants as they are discovered and will continue to do so. However, this fine process and violations pertaining to the most specific details provided in the Design Guidelines will go into effect on January 1, 2011. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the Board of Directors at creeksedgehoa@yahoo.com.

Download the DESIGN GUIDELINES here

Links to this, and many other important documents, can always be found HERE.

Meeting Presentation

Creek's Edge held its Annual Homeowners' Meeting on October 14th. If you were unable to attend, we encourage you to download the presentation and review it. Two new board members were elected and we'll be posting more details on that soon.

Download Annual Homowners' Meeting Presenation Here

12 October 2010

Creek's Edge Chronicles - October 2010

The newest edition of the Creek's Edge Chronicles has been published. E-mails will go out today. Paper deliveries will arrive some time this week. You can also download the PDF file by clicking here.

05 October 2010

Homeowners’ Annual Meeting

Creek’s Edge will have its 2010 Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 14th at 6:30. It will be held at Allison Creek Presbyterian Church (located on Hwy 274, only a mile from the neighborhood).

Each residence should have received an official notification letter in the mail from Cedar Management.

Two board member positions are up for election. If you are interested in running, fill out the form (included in the letter from Cedar). Candidates must be in good financial standing.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, we encourage you to find a neighbor whom you trust to vote on your behalf. This can be done by filling out the proxy form (included in the letter from Cedar) and giving it to the selected neighbor to bring to the meeting.

At the meeting, we will discuss the following topics:

~ Accomplishments over the past year
~ Community goals for the future
~ Committee involvement opportunities
~ Questions from homeowners

Bookmobile Dates

The York County Library Bookmobile visits Creek's Edge twice a month. You will find it in the cul-de-sac near the intersection of Tributary and Sethwood.

Here are the Bookmobile dates for the remainder of 2010:

Fridays at 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.
October 8 & 22
Nov 5 & 19
Dec 3 & 17

Cookbook Update!

Last Call for Recipes!

Our community cookbook is going to press soon (just in time for the holidays!). We’d love to have as many homes represented as possible, so please bring your recipe submission to the homeowners’ meeting or email them to Shelby Sabelli at creeksedgecookbook@yahoo.com
Final deadline: October 15th


Pre-Order Cookbooks Now!

Cookin’ by the Creek will be published later this month. With 50 pages of mouth-watering recipes, it will be a great tool for holiday entertaining and family traditions! It also makes a perfect gift as the holiday season approaches. The only way to guarantee yourself a copy, is to pre-order!!
Final deadline: October 15th

Pre-order forms are in the October newsletter, to be delivered this weekend.


 Creek’s Edge will be trick-or-treating on
 Saturday, October 30th!

We hope you will join all of your neighbors for the first Creek’s Edge Trunk-or-Treat event!

How do you get in on the fun???

  • Park your vehicle at the end of your driveway with the trunk or tailgate pointing towards the road.
  • Decorate the trunk/tailgate with festive Halloween décor. You can go “all out” or keep it simple.
  • Pull up a few chairs and hand out candy from your driveway!
Why would you want to do this???

  • It makes the neighborhood more festive & fun!!!
  • Being near the street will help you interact more with neighbors and those adorable costumed kids!
  • Contest!!! If you decorate your vehicle, be sure to take a photograph. E-mail it to creeksedgehoa@yahoo.com no later than November 10th. Submissions will be posted online and residents can vote for their favorites!!
**If you don’t want to decorate your vehicle, we still encourage folks to hand out candy at their driveway or porch so you can enjoy the experience of hanging out with your neighbors!!!

Signs will be placed at the front and back entrances to let outside trick-or-treaters know that this is taking place on Saturday, rather than Sunday