05 October 2010


 Creek’s Edge will be trick-or-treating on
 Saturday, October 30th!

We hope you will join all of your neighbors for the first Creek’s Edge Trunk-or-Treat event!

How do you get in on the fun???

  • Park your vehicle at the end of your driveway with the trunk or tailgate pointing towards the road.
  • Decorate the trunk/tailgate with festive Halloween décor. You can go “all out” or keep it simple.
  • Pull up a few chairs and hand out candy from your driveway!
Why would you want to do this???

  • It makes the neighborhood more festive & fun!!!
  • Being near the street will help you interact more with neighbors and those adorable costumed kids!
  • Contest!!! If you decorate your vehicle, be sure to take a photograph. E-mail it to creeksedgehoa@yahoo.com no later than November 10th. Submissions will be posted online and residents can vote for their favorites!!
**If you don’t want to decorate your vehicle, we still encourage folks to hand out candy at their driveway or porch so you can enjoy the experience of hanging out with your neighbors!!!

Signs will be placed at the front and back entrances to let outside trick-or-treaters know that this is taking place on Saturday, rather than Sunday


  1. Not Happy at all!!! Trick or Treating should be held on Halloween and should be traditinal ringing door bells. I want my children to experience Halloween they way that I did as a child. This needs to be changed!!!!

  2. HOA BOD is getting out of control. You are not representing the wishes of the community. Halloween is on Sunday not Saturday.
