14 December 2009

Christmas Caroling Event

Creek's Edge hosted it's first official community event on December 12, 2009! Neighbors gathered together to spead Christmas cheer by singing carols through our streets. Despite poor weather conditions, we had a wonderful showing of community members and fun was had by all! Santa joined in on the festivities and rode in the back of "Rudolf-the-Red-Nosed-Truck". Good girls and boys had their photos taken with him (which were later emailed to their parents) and whispered their special Christmas wishes. There were candy canes and hot chocolate along the route to keep everyone toasty and warm!

Special thanks to Bonnie Johnson, Bradley & Shelby Sabelli, and Larry & Angela Jackson for providing hot chocolate. A big "ho ho ho" to Board President Les Slater. You may not have seen him there, but he was a very special part of the event! And of course, thanks to all of the neighbors that joined us for the event!

The group began to gather and enjoyed some hot chocolate, waiting for others to arrive.

Then Santa arrived!!!!

There was time for photos before the caroling began......

And some boys and girls came out of their homes to meet Santa as we passed...

We strolled the streets spreading cheer to all...

At some pit stops, we were able to warm up and enjoy hot chocolate.

The kids loved riding in back of the truck with Santa.

Plenty of kiddos opted to ride in wagons, all decked out!

Overall...fun was had by all!!!

02 December 2009

Heart Strings for Warmth

For the second year, Creek's Edge neighbors participated in Heart Strings for Warmth (in November 2009). Coats, blankets, and clothing were collected and donated to the Clover Caring Center on Highway 557. Special thanks to Larry & Angela Jackson and Anthony & Joyce Boone for organizing this collection. They reported that upon arrival at the center, the storage bin revealed only six boxes of dry food items, two coats, two blankets and a pair of shoes. Tears stung the eyes of the gentleman there as he saw what our neighborhood was providing. He said that we were a Godsend and spoke of watching so many folk tossing items into nearby bins for a resell store. Clover Caring Center gives all of these donated items to those in need for absolutely no charge.

Thank you Creek's Edge for helping your neighbors when they needed it most and really making a difference in people's lives.

Though the official drive is over, the Clover Caring Center is always in need of donations. Anything that will help folks stay warm and get back on their feet is welcome. The storage unit is located beside Bojangles in Lake Wylie at Anchor Storage. Ask for Mr. Woods and tell him you have a drop off for Clover Caring Center.

01 December 2009


Hello Neighbors!!
Welcome to the brand new blog/website for your community - Creek's Edge!!

Please take a few minutes to catch up on posts and see what information has been made available. The site is young and we look forward to sharing more with you as it grows and develops. If you have any ideas or suggestions for improving our home here on the world wide web, please either leave a comment on this post, or send an email to: creeksedgehoa@yahoo.com.

While you are here, don't forget to participate in the Club Interest Poll at the top right of the page. Be sure to frequently make note of the "Friends of Creek's Edge" along the right side of the page. These are local businesses that have contributed to our community and we want to thank them by making use of their services! These will be updated monthly.

If you want to stay on top of all the latest and greatest community news, be sure to add this blog to a blog feed/reader (free services available through Yahoo, Google, etc).