28 June 2010

Covenants & ByLaws now available for download

Click on the "DOCUMENTS" link above and you will now be able to download two important community documents: ByLaws and Covenants.

If you have any trouble, shoot us an e-mail or leave a comment below.

25 June 2010

Cookbook Reminder + Email Address

Don't forget to submit your favorite recipes for the Creek's Edge cookbook: Cookin' by the Creek, which will be printed later this year!

Email your submissions to:

Reminder to Pet Owners

A common complaint in the neighborhood has been in relation to pets. The issues vary, but include things such as:
 - dogs parking and disturbing other neighbors
 - cats and dogs roaming onto other people's property and damaging their yards
 - loose dogs frightening young children

We'd like to provide a few gentle reminder to all pet owners in the neighborhood about some of the laws and regulations pertaining to owning domestic animals.

The Leash Law in York County is as follows:
"York County requires all animals to be either fenced in, on a leash, or under the control of their owners at all times when outside. Domestic animals are not allowed on private property without the property owner's consent. Animals that roam free can get lost or seriously injured. They are also subject to being picked up by Animal Control officers. Animal owners are liable for their pet's actions. You can prevent your animal from becoming a nuisance by keeping it confined to your property, or on a leash and controlled, as required by law. Failure to do so can result in legal or financial problems for you. Violation of York County's leash law can result in a fine of up to $200 plus court costs and the cost of impounding the animal."

Creek's Edge Covenants state "all household pets shall be kept under Owner's control so as not to be a nuisance to other Owners."

Keep in mind there is also a noise ordinance in York County that runs from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., which applies to animals as well.

If you have a complaint about a neighborhood animal, we encourage you to contact Cedar Management at support@cedarmanagementgroup.com or by calling 1-877-25CEDAR. They will anonymously contact the pet owner about the issue. If you feel an animal is in danger, or could endanger homeowners, you can contact Animal Control at 803-628-3190. We encourage you to use Animal Control as a last resort, and work with the Board and Cedar Management to handle the situation peacefully.

Front Entrance

You probably noticed that the front entrance was paved this week! This is exciting news for all of us and will make our travels much more pleasant.

Please rest assured that this is simply a temporary fix and our entrance will be fully restored after the completion of the Hwy 274 project (estimated for late in 2010).

Creek's Edge is now on Facebook & Twitter!

Creek's Edge HOA now has it's own Facebook Page and is also on Twitter.
Posts from this blog should be posting to both of these so you can choose to follow community activities in the manner that is easiest for you!

You can "like" on Facebook or "follow" on Twitter by clicking on the links at the right of this page.

We encourage homeowners to use these outlets to communicate with one another and share community related information. These forums are not the best way to get in touch with the Board and we encourage you to use our email address for that: creeksedgehoa@yahoo.com

23 June 2010

Community Kick-Off Meeting Presentation

The Board of Directors would like to sincerely thank everyone that made it out to last night's Community Kick-Off Meeting. For those of that weren't able to make it, we hope you'll take a few minutes to review the presentation we put together.

You can download it below, or use the "Documents" link at the top of this page.

Community Kick-Off Meeting Presentation

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at creeksedgehoa@yahoo.com or Cedar Management at support@cedarmanagementgroup.com.

21 June 2010

Documents now available for downloading!

You can now access neighborhood related documents and newsletters through this site. Just below the photo at the top of this page you should see two links. One is called Creek's Edge Chronicles - Archives which is where you will find all community newsletters. The second one is called Documents. Right now, you will find two items there: (1) Information and Form for advertising in our Newsletter (2) Application for Architectural Review.

If there are are other neighborhood related documents that you'd like to see posted, please leave us a comment!

Community Kick-Off Meeting!

Creek's Edge
Community Kick-Off

Allison Creek Presybterian Church
(located on the corner of Hwy 274 and Allison Creek Rd)

Tuesday, June 22nd at 6:30 p.m.

light refreshments will be provided

Join your neighbors to hear all about the EXCITING things going on in your community!!

Conversation Topics include:
~ the new management company ~
~ Board of Directors and Committee activity ~
~ Future plans for the neighborhood ~

04 June 2010

Welcome Cedar Management

As of June 1st, Creek's Edge has transitioned to a new management company. Our previous company, AMS, was no longer meeting the needs of our community. Your Board of Directors researched and interviewed many potential candidates, ultimately deciding that Cedar Management was the best match for our neighborhood! We are very excited about this change and the positive changes that it will bring to our community.

You can learn more about Cedar by visiting their website: Cedar Management Group

Contact Cedar Management by emailing them at support@cedarmanagementgroup.com or calling (877) 252-3327.

When should you contact Cedar?
  • Questions about Assessment Fees and payments
  • To report a violation of community regulations
  • Questions or concerns about community regulations
  • Information regarding Architectural restrictions
  • Requesting an application for changes you plan to make to your property